Sunday, 11 February 2007

My take on a couple techy things of late

Firstly, a little Wii review. Firstly a little disclaimer - I'm not usually a console fan at all. I think PC gaming is where it's at - in fact, the last (and only) console I owned was a Nintendo 64 which I bought on the cheap from my cousin. Good now that that's out the way I can crack on - so, my housemate has disregarded all sound financial advice and has got himself one of these jobbies. First impressions were pretty good - the box itself looks reasonably sekshy in a sort of well... white way!! First fired up and initially was graphically disappointed but then I remembered I was watching interlaced video thru a composite cable on a standard CRT telly not the minimum 1280X1024 on an LCD i'm used to. To cut a long story short it's a great laugh - not the intense, graphically astonishing, mega-immersive experience of playing something like FEAR on a decent PC but just a bloody good laugh. The pendant in me occasionally bemoans the lack of realism in wiisports (e.g. boxing with no arms must be difficult and a greater choice of clubs in golf would be nice) but then again that's not really the point of it. A final note - drunken wii bowling is a great thing but drunken wii golf can induce fits of rage and do great damage to your overall skill points!

Secondly Windows Vista - not quite sure why I'm honouring this with my words but I'd be foolish to deny that is wasn't an event. As far as I can see the things people are really raving about (like aero and the gui refinements) have all been available (and have been improved on since) on mac or linux for many a long time. The touted security improvements have been debunked by various experts (OneCare getting a complete thrashing here) I really don't think Vista will be considered a crucial upgrade for most windows users for some time yet. We'll have to see what DX10 turns out to be like to see if there's anything really new on the gaming front! What really gets my goat is all the different versions and their associated licensing nuances - this stinks of an effort to confuse the customer and find ways of eeking extra money out of them for things the OS should do anyway. At first I never used to see why people care so much about Free software and the GPL but now I'm beginning to see why it's so important to have a license that makes sure the user's rights are looked after and your not going to get shafted.

iPhone - jeez, get over it. basically it's going to be pretty but technologically behind the times and there are already things out that will do what it does only better. It's overpriced, too. Bet it will sell by the shedload....

Steve Jobs & DRM - ok you seem to be saying the right thing, but what about fairplay?

Feisty Fawn - why can't it be april yet?!!! :excited:

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