Wednesday, 14 February 2007

mmmmm crusty!

So, after mad panics (the wine not being delivered) , rushing around like a mad man and worries about no-one showing up, the inaugural Bristol LDYS "drink liberally" wine tasting went ahead! In the end we had 13 people which was spot on for one case, a good mix of people as well. The whites were generally more interesting and showed a greater variation than the reds (which is a shame, since I love my red), and I ended up flogging the case at a (very) slight profit. Went out to po na na's afterwards which was belting but couldn't sustain the partyage too long due to copious volumes of wine consumed previously! Woke up at 9, still shit faced so went back to bed. Woke up again at 11 with conjunctivits! lovely!

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