Thursday, 10 May 2007

A little update

(take 2 since facebook decided to make my first version mysteriously disappear!)

Firstly thank you to all of you who have given me words of encouragement/support over the past few days, I've been having a pretty rough time and it's always nice to know people still care!!!

Following from several meetings with my tutor, doctor and the preclinical dean they have decided that I'm not medically fit to sit my exams/ do my iDSE and so they will let me sit them in September and do some sort of alternative assessment for my DSE. This is a lot better than what I previously was considering which was either struggling thru these exams and failing/going crazy or completely dropping out. This solution gives me some time to sort my head out without burning too many bridges. I've come to realise that when I suspended last year I didn't really sort myself out, I just got pumped full of (very, very groovy) drugs and then went home and got looked after for a few months. Yeah, this got me stable but I didn't really learn how to manage my own life/work/health!

So over the next couple of months I need to find myself something independent to do which will provide me with challenges to overcome under my own steam but still won't be too stressful (suggestions on a postcard/wall post plz).

Hopefully I can finally kick this thing in the arse!

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