Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Well, here we go

First post. Got fed up with playing with wordpress so I guess I'd join the herd. Posting using the excellent drivel
lets see how this goes!

Currently doing some top class procrastination instead of actually revising for the parasitology midsessional I have tommorow morning. Starting to doubt not only my own abilities at passing this course, but my suitability for academia at all. Would be so heartbreaking to give up on this dream, but the sad thing is at the moment I find it hard to care. Going to the quacks hopefully later this week (need to sort a few things, including my totally screwed shoulder), see if when I get my next round of meds i can get back into councilling to try and talk some of this through

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there.
What did you find wrong with wordpress? I've just started using it hapaxlegomenon.wordpress.com So if it's something glaring, please let me know.
Drivel looks interesting. Have you used the FireFox add-on "performancing"? How does it compare?

Hapax Legomenon (Custom PC)